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  • Glitter Techniqes / Stencil / Gel Medium

    Post on January 10, 2017 Your blog post
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    Glitter has been around for years. Some love it and some hate it. No matter how careful you are, glitter takes over your work area and you. When I am working with glitter I normally get completely covered in glitter. When used on projects, you find generally some glitter always rubs off on your hands.

    In this blog post i will try to cover different techniques on how to use glitter. The first technique is using Gel Medium.

    Click here to see a video tutorial as well


    I like to use Finnabair 3D Gloss Gel as it dries transparent.

    glitter3 glitter4 glitter5 glitter6


    The Gel is white but it dries completely clear. Mix your glitter completely with the gloss gel. A Palette knife is very handy. Using a stencil, apply the paste to your project. I have used the Brick Stencil ST5013 in the sample above. Allow to dry. When dry the colour is exactly like the original colour. The best part of this technique is no glitter rubs off on your hands

    black glitter


    A huge range of glitter colours

    Glitter colourchart

    and Finnabair products are available in store now


    Happy Creating!!!